Iola-Scandinavia High School offers many organizations for students to get involved with.
Art Crew
DECA is our school district’s business and marketing student organization that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs to be college and career ready. Activities include competition, community service, and field trips. DECA is open to all students in grades 7-12. Contact Mr. Tappa with questions.
Educators Rising
Educators Rising is a national grow-your-own organization that helps students who are interested in teaching professions. Iola-Scandinavia’s chapter is open to students in grades 7 - 12 who would like to find out more about becoming a teacher, get experience in the classroom, visit a variety of teaching environments, visit colleges with teacher certification programs, and explore teaching as a potential profession. Meetings are held the fourth Monday of each month during lunch. Contact Ms. Bue-Wells with questions.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a national Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for students in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education. FCCLA offers intra-curricular resources and opportunities for students to pursue careers that support families. Since 1945, FCCLA members have been making a difference in their families, careers, and communities by addressing important personal, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education.
Involvement in FCCLA offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life—planning, goal setting, problem-solving, decision making, and interpersonal communication—necessary in the home and workplace. Contact Mrs. Bestul with questions.
Fishing Club
The ice fishing team aims to get kids outdoors during those long winter days while having fun in a safe and competitive atmosphere. We do competitive ice fishing tournaments throughout January and February through WIFA (Wisconsin Interscholastic Fishing Association) with a state championship in February to declare this best team in the state. Fishing Club is open to students in grades 6th - 12th. Contact Jack Kirmse for information.
It’s a lot of fun!
Do you...Love acting? Enjoy spreading your knowledge to others?Want to share your love of poetry? Thrive in front of an audience?Want to get better at speaking in front of the room? Then, Forensics is for you! Contact Mrs. McCartney, Mrs. Krueger, or Ms. Tate for more information
Garden Group
Math League
The Central Wisconsin Mathematics League, founded in 1970, is a math competition for high school students in the state of Wisconsin. The idea was to create an interest in the subject of mathematics for high school students while they are participating in their mathematics courses and to expose them to some of the great careers relating to mathematics, particularly in the insurance field. It normally meets three times a year on the beautiful campus of the UW - Stevens Point. For a student to be eligible for the geometry exam, the student must be currently enrolled in geometry, to be eligible for the algebra exam, the student must be currently enrolled in an algebra class. The advanced category is an open category, meaning any student can take this exam and this category may be repeated in future years with no limit as long as the student is still in high school. Students who are interested and enrolled in Geometry, Algebra 2, Trigonometry, Probability & Statistics or AP Calculus can talk with Mr. Hutchison for more information or to sign up. Central Wisconsin Math League
Any student grades 7-12 are welcome to participate as a cast or crew member in the annual musical production put on by the Iola-Scandinavia Musical Theatre Department. This year's musical will be Guys & Dolls with performances February 14-16, 2025. Auditions are planned for Monday November 4th from 6-9pm. Students will be able to get materials for auditions in early October. Practices are after school and in the evenings November through February. Come sing and dance with us!
National Honor Society is open to students in their sophomore, junior and senior years. To be eligible to apply, students must have a 3.33 or higher GPA. Typically, applications are available in January or February each year. Applying is voluntary. Eligible students will receive an application in the mail and at school. They may also apply by clicking on the link below, which will allow them to download the template.
Applicants are evaluated on the following criteria: character, service and leadership. The selection of each member to the chapter shall be by a majority vote of the Faculty Council. Contact Mrs. Tamela McCartney and Mr. Travis Bassett with questions.

Rocket Club
Rocket club is a group of students who enjoy creating and launching rockets. Our main goal is to create a rocket to compete in an international rocket competition called The American Rocketry Challenge (TARC). In this challenge we need to design, build, and test a rocket which can launch an egg to a specific altitude then land safely in a specific amount of time. Our club is also famous for baking muffins throughout the year which serves as our primary fundraising activity. Contact Mr. Snyder for more information.
Quiz Bowl
Students in grades 9-12 are invited to join the High School Quiz Bowl team where they can use random knowledge of obscure facts to compete against area schools in team trivia contests each Wednesday, December through March. Weekly practices take place in Ms. Hoffman's room during lunch on Tuesdays starting in October. Talk with Ms. Hoffman or Mrs. Huettner for more information or to express your interest!
Spanish Club
Do you love to travel, crave adventure, and want to experience different cultures and cuisines? If so, traveling with the Spanish Club is perfect for you! Join your classmates on an unforgettable journey to a Spanish-speaking country, where you’ll explore new destinations, use your Spanish with local families, and perhaps make lifelong friendships.
Each Spanish Club trip offers a unique mix of activities tailored to the destination. Past trips have included incredible experiences like snorkeling in vibrant waters, climbing active volcanoes, zip-lining through lush jungle canopies, bargaining in colorful open-air markets, and sailing on a catamaran. Every adventure offers something new, giving students the chance to immerse themselves in the local culture in extraordinary ways.
Since its inception, Spanish Club has partnered with Interact Travel, Inc. for 12 remarkable trips to Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Belize, and Puerto Rico. These journeys are offered every other spring, allowing students studying Spanish the opportunity to travel at least once, if not twice, during high school. Each destination is chosen by students the year prior, making every trip one-of-a-kind and student-driven.
View pictures from past trips!
Where will we go next? You decide. ¡Vengan! ¡Exploren con nosotros!
See Mrs. Erickson for more information.
Spirit Club
Student Council
Trap Shooting
The trap season runs from the end of March until mid-June with the state tournament being the weekend before Father’s Day. The trap team is open to any student from 6th to 12th grades. All students must have a hunters education certificate to participate. Meetings are held at the Iola Conservation Club on Sundays with optional practice on Wednesdays throughout the season. This activity co-ops with Amherst. Coached by Peter Bruno.